A journy of life with four

I only hope I can capture this life I so graciously am blessed with in words that you can enjoy for years ahead.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Twins Corner: The BIG one, or should I say two?

A month late and a few new memories behind, I will do my BEST to make the blogging memories happen, although they may not always be prompt in my case. Yet, better late than never?? That's a mommy thing :)
July 2, 2010: Caleb Joe and Simi bear turned one and boy was it one spectacular day. There was cupcakes, icecream, ballons...no wait, TONS of ballons, decor, guests, grandma's and grandpa's, FOOD, FOOD, and more FOOD!

The party was a smash. Nanny Kim helped decorate along with G&G Jauregui and G&G Fennewald. You boys weren't quite sure what to think of it all but I am pretty sure you knew this day was allll about you :) Your favorite was the ballons. I could have saved myself a lot of money and just bought you a bunch of ballons for your birthday, because that is pretty much all you played with.

The present opening was complete caous! (oh, I know I didn't spell that right, yet it's late and i don't care to look it up :) G and Paige had some friend over and they did most of the present opening for you. Although you were a little confused and tried your VERY BEST to get in on all the fun, you really just liked playing with(or eating, in Caleb's case) the wrapping paper.

Then there were toys, loud kids running, jumping, playing with the fire-poppers I bought for four. Year. Olds....to PLAY WITH. Wait, what was I thinking?! No, really it was a lot of fun. You two didn't seem to mind.

The cake and ice cream followed with the Jauregui tradition of shoveling a cake (or cupcakes, in your case) in the face...yes, I actually just said that. Ask your dad. But again, you really loved it and was it worth it?? Yes, sooo dang cute. So now I MUST insist when you have children of your own, to shove little cakes into your darling ones faces :) It will be magical?

Caleb, always a thumb in the mouth. Again, I love "firsts" and this was a great one :) What a day and a HUGE year to look back a reflect for me. Yes, now I shall finish on a mushy paragraph or two...
I always said I wanted twins, yet never knew the patience, the strength, the exact amount of love that was needed for caring for two seperate individuals at the same time and yet that's just it. I don't need to know how much patience is needed, I just need to ask for it daily (even hourly sometimes!). I certainly don't know the amount of "strength" needed (how does anyone measure that? I feel a song coming on) only that the strength needed is is there when I ask for it from my only source of strength. And the amount of love? Wow, it's never divided, it's split in two, it's quantum-sized by the love of you both. Love is never divided with twins, and that was always a fear of mine, it's doubled.

Happy birthday to two very special people. I can't wait to see you grow.

Lights out.