When you see something....eye-opening? No, that's not the word...scrath, start over....
Paige, you fell into a raging hot fire Friday night at Blue Mesa and ended up with nothing more that a first degree burn on your cheek. And although it all happened so fast, the most amazing thing about it, is your Auntie mysteriously felt the need to put your hoody on just minutes before. They say that hair is the first thing to catch on fire and is the most flamable thing on your body (go figure, doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.) With your entire head and face consumed in the flames, you most undoubtly should have ended up in the ER, and probably would have had a long recovery to follow, at Children's Hospital. Thank God for the Holy Spirit revealing to us the things of nature and the instinct to obey. Never question your gut...to me, it's always been the Holy Spirit.
I know I may make mistakes in life...wether it be through raising you kids, through my own flesh, or hurtful words. But even through that I hope to always express a God who is quick to forgive and slow to anger.
Paige, God had angels right there with you, protecting you from the flames. And later that evening we enjoyed star-gazing under a nice, warm blanket on the beach in front of the all-consuming fire. For even in it's all-consuming flames , it gave me a vision of an all-consuming God who was right their consuming you in a blanket of protection.
"Second star to the right and straight on till morning, mom."