A journy of life with four

I only hope I can capture this life I so graciously am blessed with in words that you can enjoy for years ahead.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jersey's, summer clothes, and basketball fun

As I went and pulled out G's "summer" clothes yesterday at the shop, most of the clothes pulled Basketball jersey and basketball shorts. I collected all the shorts, jersys, Tshirts, and more and put them in a Grocery bag in the back of the car. G, sitting in his back seat carseat, asked "mommy, what are those?" and as I explained to him THEY were his summer clothes, he got soooo excited. G Always gets excited over new things, wether THEY are "new" or "used new", THEY are always new to him:) It's pretty cute.
Anyways, on the way home, I had to stop off at the post office to mail some bills and while in the post office (keep in mind, it was probably a minute or less), he proceeded to get some clothes out of the bag and put them on. By the time I got back in the car he had 3 shirts on! 2 were jersy's.
Duke, mommy's absolute favorite college basketball team ever, they just won the 2010 NCAA tournament just a week prior, and of course, I was excited about that. I told him, after THEY won, I would buy him a Duke jersey. So, after putting the jersey on, he said "look mom, you got me my Duke Jersey!"
After we all got home, he was SOOOO excited to play some basketball, yet it was snowing outside, so we pretend played in the living room with Paige's Stuffed baby girraffe. All three of us. The babies watched while THEY drank there mid-morning bottles.
G tried on every jersey in that bag that morning and kept calling himself "jersey" pretend when playing basketball. What fun:)
Seems simple, but worth the report. He wore that jersey (along with the other 3 shirts Underneath) for the rest of the day .... and today!
I would have Loved to have posted a picture I took of him in his jersey's, but unfortunetly I somehow deleted all my pictures off the camera from the last few weeks including Easter: (
I love you guys.

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