A journy of life with four

I only hope I can capture this life I so graciously am blessed with in words that you can enjoy for years ahead.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bitter-sweet potty Training?

Well, I ask myself how can potty training be bitter sweet? I was completely thrilled when G was successfully potty-trained at two and a half. And now it's my Paiger's turn. We have spent the last 2 grueling (but totally rewarding) days, potty-training and I do believe she has got the concept. G was so successful with "How the Potty Train in One Day", that I carried over that method with Paige (http://www.potty-training-in-one-day.com/) Wha-la, again, a complete success. Yes, there will be "maintenance" over the next week or so, but she has pretty much gotten it figured out, and oh baby girl, I'm so proud of you.
Although it's tedious, it's wonderful to spend a day and a half of one-on-one time with your child. No children to get distracted by, no tv, no babies, just her and I. We read books, colored, brushed each others hair endlessly, sang songs and played "patty-cake" till we dropped while she sat patiently on the potty for 10 minutes at a time throughout the day. What patience it required from both of us, but what a MAJOR bonding experience.... and rediculously enough, I am crying.
SWEET: my little girl is successfully potty trained; I could shout "HOORAY" from the rooftops for hours! (no more stinky poopy diapers!!!) BITTER: my little girl is growing up. All apart of life, but a reminder that they don't stay young forever. I wasn't this "bitter, sweetly" sad when G got potty trained; maybe because he is a boy? I don't know.
Last night after G fell asleep on the couch upstairs (Friday-fun factor and slumber party night!), you wanted to come down and watch movies with dad and I. I didn't resist this time. I held you in my arms during the movie, we ate ice cream, and then we fell asleep in bed together. I just don't get enough of those with you, precious girl. What a grueling two days; we just deserved it.

A part of my heart hurts a little today, but in a good way Miss Paige :) You and I are close; soul sisters and I'm so proud of your major accomplishment. You did great. What a wonderful 2 days we have shared together. I love you, deeply.

All in all, you can't put a price on this potty-training thing! Potty Patty doll: $39.95, M&M's for "treats": $3.95 (Yes, I bought a big bag so I could finish them after our training :), cleaning carpet solution: $6.95 (didn't need much!), patience: LOTS, success: yes! Bonding with my girl: priceless, and rewarding.

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