A journy of life with four

I only hope I can capture this life I so graciously am blessed with in words that you can enjoy for years ahead.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Twins Corner: Oh goodness birthday fun!

Oh goodness, mommy is being a little rediculous about my excitment for Caleb and my Simi bears first birthday. But am happy to admit, I go crazy over all the "firsts"; not only G and Paige's first birthdays, but first smiles, first crawl, and especially that first wave and first clap. THAT has got to be the cutest thing on earth. Simi, you did both of those on May 14th, and Caleb, Mr. Chill, you shared your first wave with the world on June 7 and your first claps on June 18th.
I am throwing a big birthday bash (love to do that for the firsts) and have found the perfect theme.

Oh yes, cute little safarie animals. I know that when you read this when you get older, you will probably, (no wait) you will make fun of your old mom and I will love it :) But, to my defense, just wait till you have kids of your own and you will understand someday....(as I type more blogs, you will probably see me type that phrase a lot! Darn.) But is it ohhh sooo true. I love you boys to pieces and God could not have blessed me with a happier set of twins. OK, you've both had your moments and I've had to pray for "happiness, happines, happiness" many a times, but honostly you guys have been great. Lover bugs, bears, sweet peas, and joy.
oh, ok, I'm getting carried away, so back to my excitement. Here are your cute little invites:

adorable :)

Look out for July 2nd, Friday's Fun Factor. Will be one to remember and I am so excited. Here are some more fun pictures I took of you two.

So fun.

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